

Meetha Talab

The Skyline silver colour lake situated in the heart of Dewas makes it the calming core for residents and the tourists of the city. The aquatic richness of the place can also be seen at dawn and dusk as the causes a division of various different birds to swans into the air makes it a memorable place.

The garden around the place makes it a fascinating place for the children as it provides a large area for playing various games as well as the swings prevent their foot out of the place.

Not only children, but the place also gives soothing and yogic vibes as it facilitates bird watching and the view of the Tekri makes it mesmerizing place for the elderly people too.

The boating facility at Meetha Talab makes it an irresistible place for visitors.

Rajanal Talab

The lake 16 km from Dewas, near Jamgod, is believed to be made by King Nal and Queen Damayanti in ancient times. It is said that the couple while wandering in the jungles, came across the city called Bhanurasa. Seeing the design of the city and the Bhanvarnath temple they were thrilled and decided to stay.

During their stay, The King built a pond in the name of Queen Damayanti here. The queen built a pond named Raja Nal five km away. The water of both the ponds mix with each other during the rainy days, which is alive today.

In the present day, the upper part of the lake is known as Raninal Talab and the lower segment is known as Rajanal Talab which fulfill the water requirement of Dewas and areas nearby.

The beauty of the lake is magnified by lush green hills which surround the place from three sides.These hills have a magnificent variety of wildlife which includes Indian foxes, Hyenas, Blue bull( nilgai ), Blackbuck and wide variety of birds. It also gives an homely atmosphere for various migrating birds.

During winter World’s highest flying bird ,The bar-headed Goose
are also spotted near the lake adds to the glamour of the place.

The place is also well known for maintaining its spiritual heritage with the presence of Lord Mankameshwar temple, which was also renovated by The Maratha, Parmar, and King Vikramaditya.

Kedar Kho

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Manduk Pushkar

Manduk Pushkar , a pond, is located in the center of Dewas which also has a fountain in the middle what attracts people and is beautified by Municipal Corporation. Different types of beautiful flowering plants are planted on the banks of the pond and has greenery all around. It also offers the track for people to walk and can also enjoy the soothing vibe of place by sitting under the shamiyana. Many people come here every evening to feed the fishes of pond. The main attraction of the pond is the selfie point at the entrance where you can click pictures with the tag ‘My Dewas’.

Kedar Kho Falls

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Malhar Smriti Mandir

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Shankargarh Hills

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Nagda Hills

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Ropeway Station

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Tekri Path Way

Pathway(parikrama margh) is a beautiful part of Tekri and is famous for its beauty and greenery.It is magnificent part of Tekri and has several different species of plants and trees and is also a good place for bird watchers . Many people come here every morning and evening for walk . Adding more beauty to pathway the government has decorated the pathway with some antique sculptures and also with an idol of Hanuman ji . Along with all these it also has small park with swings where your lilttle ones can enjoy their time. Despite of all these you can also have city view from the pathway.

Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary

Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Kannod Tehsil of Dewas district of Madhya Pradesh. It is spread over an area of 132 square kilometers. It is connected to Ratapani Tiger Reserve through corridors. The dry deciduous forest consists of teak, tendu and bamboo. It has a presence of tigers, which have apparently migrated from Ratapani and colonized Kheoni. Tigers are spotted in this range many times and Leopards are present in significant numbers. Other commonly found carnivores are jungle cats, jackals and striped hyena. The dominant herbivore species are nilgai, blackbuck, chinkara and chital (spotted deer). Sambar, wild boar, barking deer, four-horned antelope, and palm civet are also present but rarely sighted. According to the recent bird survey concluded in April, 2018, in which around 32 participants from Indore, Dewas, Ujjain and Bhopal, Kheoni has around 125 species of birds, including the state bird of Madhya Pradesh Indian paradise flycatcher. The other birds in abundance are plum-headed parakeet, Eurasian collared dove, laughing dove, chestnut shouldered petronia, common crow and black drongo.


Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

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